Are Your Ready to

A 90-Day program to help those with Cancer heal the emotional stress and trauma impacting their health

How Emotional Stress and Trauma Impacts Cancer Patients

Physical Strain: Chronic tension in the body; pain, fatigue, and even contributing to the development of disease
Immune System Suppression: Weakening the immune system and slowing down healing processes
Hormonal Imbalances: Disrupting your endocrine system, leading to issues with sleep, metabolism, and your ability to detox
Behavioral Patterns: Self-sabotaging behaviors such as overeating, avoiding exercise, smoking or drinking, or struggling to stick to treatment plans – not because we’re weak, but because a part of us is stuck in old survival patterns!
Emotional Rollercoaster: Anxiety, depression, anger, and numbness, making it hard to maintain the positive outlook that’s so crucial for healing
Disconnection: Perhaps most devastating of all you feel disconnected – from our bodies, from our loved ones, and from our sense of purpose or meaning in life


Begin Your Healing Journey Today

After 90 days, you’ll feel...

In control of your emotions

Much less stressed

Faith in your healing process

Empowered and resilient

Seen, cared for, and supported

Excited and optimistic for your future

Confident in your body

Liberated and free

“This process has been invaluable to me. I have learned so many tools and have experienced deep healing. The last 2 months, my breast cancer markers have dropped significantly... Wow!

What's Included In Your Program?

LIFETIME ACCESS TO THE LIBER8 TRIGGER MANAGEMENT APP to help you process stressful events and difficult emotions when they show up

THREE 90-MINUTE LIVE 1-ON-1 SESSIONS with Liber8 specialists to find your root emotional patterns and help you feel in control of your emotions

90-DAY PRECISION EMOTIONAL HEALING™ PLAN with tailored practices to help you let go of root emotional patterns and start feeling confident, empowered, and excited again

SIX 60-MINUTE LIVE GROUP WORKSHOPS to help you clear traumas, transform your fears, and shift your experience of cancer

ONGOING WELLNESS RESOURCES and self-guided curriculums to help ensure the changes you experience stick after you complete the program

DEDICATED CARETAKER from the Liber8 team to answer your questions, help you if you get stuck, and sit with you when things get hard

PRIVATE GROUP SHARING CIRCLES to openly talk about the fears, worries, and challenges you don't feel comfortable discussing at home

LIFETIME ACCESS TO A LOVING COMMUNITY of like-minded individuals you see you, get you, and are here to encourage your healing journey

90-Day Results from Program Participants

What makes Liber8's Emotional Healing Program different?

01: We use technology to personalize your 90-Day plan

Throughout the course of your program, we will be using real-time emotional data and our technology engine to make adjustments to your Personalized Plan. 

The Liber8 trigger management app is your ally throughout your journey with us. As you log new triggers and insights about what is happening in your life, our technology will make adjustments to your plan and help us recommend tailored resources to meet you where you are. 

02: We give you LOTS of real human support

From the moment you sign up, you are supported by a dedicated community caretaker, experienced peers, Liber8 staff, and vetted wellness practitioners who are devoted to your wellbeing.

Whether it’s answering questions about setup or being there for you during the highs and lows of the day, we provide a safe, non-judgmental space for you to express what you’re really feeling. 

03: We work with world class experts to develop your program

Our team of engineers, scientists, experienced peers, and health practitioners have collectively invested 20+ years in researching and using various tools and modalities to support our own mental, emotional, physical, and spiritual well-being.

This program was developed in partnership with Dr. Nasha Winters and the Metabolic Terrain Institute of Health to ensure that every detail is aligned with the latest research in psychology, neuroscience, and integrative oncology for this transformational experience.

“As someone who has supported THOUSANDS of patients, and trained HUNDREDS of doctors through the Metabolic Approach To Cancer,  I can with confidence. 

Time and time again, I’ve seen that it’s the patients who prioritize their mental and emotional well-being alongside diet, lifestyle, supplementation, and other complementary and conventional approaches, that see better results than those who do not.

If you’re looking for a science-backed, data-driven, community-focused approach to support your emotional journey through a cancer process, then stop searching and join this program today. You won’t regret it.” 

— Dr. Nasha Winters, ND, FABNO

Best Selling Author of The Metabolic Approach to Cancer, Co-Author of Mistletoe and the Emerging Future of Integrative Oncology, and Executive Director at the Metabolic Terrain Institute of Health

Precision Emotional Healing For Cancer


Starting November 4th, 2024

Future Price: $697

Limited Size Group: $597

($100 Discount instantly applied for you)

You Can Pay in 3 Monthly installments!

What You Get:

Invest in your emotional well-being for less than $7 per day.

“My patient's inflammatory markers improved for the first time in years as a result of Liber8's program. I recommend it to all my patients.

— Dr Christopher Duhon ND, Liber8 Partner Doctor

Still Have Questions?

Speak To A Liber8 Team Member


Monday, November 4th at 1:00pm-2:00pm PST 

While we cannot guarantee these results for every participant, we can share that those who follow through on the plans we create for them have experienced dramatic changes in their lives. These changes include but are not limited to:

  • Changes in labs and cancer markers
  • Turn-arounds in marriages and relationships
  • Less anxious, afraid, and alone
  • A decrease in depression and negative self-talk
  • An improved sense of meaning and purpose
  • An increased ability to manage stress & emotional triggers
  • More compassion for themselves & others
  • A decrease in fear (of testing, of cancer, etc.)
  • An improved sense of belonging, tribe, and community  
  • And so much more…

This process relies on your insights and real-time emotional data. You are a co-pilot on this journey with us. Therefore, you must download our app and log one to two emotional experiences before attending your 90-min mapping session. Logging your emotions is an intuitive and reflective practice, and thanks to our tried-and-tested framework, you’ll find it easy to do. On average, people spend between 5-10 minutes on each log (depending on the amount of detail you want to capture). We send you short quick-start videos to help you get started in a seamless manner.

After that, you will attend a 90-minute mapping session before receiving your comprehensive Emotional Lab Report.

What you do with the findings in your Emotional Lab is up to you. You can move at lightning speed or take your time implementing next steps. We’ll provide you with targeted resources and recommendations, plus access to a supportive community so you can continue your journey with clarity, confidence, and precision at whatever pace you choose to move. Moreover, our team is on hand to guide and support you throughout the process. 

Our most successful clients invest between 60-90 minutes per week doing their daily practices, attending group calls, and completing the exercises we give them. 

This is a group program and your time over 3 months will go between meeting together as a group to work through exercises and doing individual work on your own schedule. You can go through the program individually as all of the calls will be recorded but you will miss the synergy of a group which can be profoundly helpful. You gain opportunities to ask questions live and make lifelong friends. There is something powerful about doing this work alongside others who are moving through similar challenges as you. 

Inside of the Liber8 app, you will be documenting specific data points about your negative and positive thought loops, emotional triggers, and behavior patterns to build a real-time snapshot of what’s happening in your nervous system when you experience anxiety, depression, insecurity, fear, relationship conflict, chronic pain, or physical health flare ups.

We are bound by and follow strict HIPAA guidelines and utilize Salesforce, a fully HIPAA compliant tool, ensuring the highest levels of security possible for your data. Our system requires 2-factor authentication for all users to enter and security profiles are set up such that a Liber8 team member will only have access to your data when you have an Emotional Mapping session scheduled with them. After your Emotional Mapping session is complete, the team member who was assigned to you will not be able to access your data any more.

No entries will ever be viewed by any party outside of Liber8 without your explicit written or verbal consent. You can also request an account deletion within the app and that will wipe all the data we have stored.

We likely exceed some of the HIPAA requirements with the level of security we implement but it is extremely important that you do not hold back at all and authentically share emotions as they arise in the app so your safety with this tool is our utmost concern.

Clients describe mapping sessions as conversations with a beloved friend who sees and hears them fully.

Over 90 minutes, a trained specialist on our team will walk you through a process for uncovering the history of your emotional patterns and behaviors. You’ll uncover forgotten memories, hidden belief systems, unprocessed emotions, and key events that shaped your nervous system and contributes to present-day insecurities, reactive behaviors, and emotional volatility. You’ll get a clear picture of how your nervous system navigates adversity. If you have unexplainable health symptoms, you’ll begin to see how they are linked to earlier experiences,  choices, and influences in life.

Emotional Mapping sessions aren’t designed to directly rewire your nervous system, but previous attendees have found them to be incredibly cathartic and illuminating. The simple awareness of how your nervous system is wired can lead to profound shifts in the way you feel moving forward.

Your Emotional Mapping session is run by experienced peers. Each peer is carefully selected to join our team because of their ability to help you feel safe, the relevancy of prior trainings and certifications they have completed, and their personal experience with healing trauma or overcoming challenges similar to yours before we take them through a rigorous training to learn our Emotional Mapping process and use our Precision Emotional Healing technology.

Our experienced peers are not here to fix, heal, or coach you.  They’re trained to see you and hear you. They’ll meet you where you are, hold your hand, and celebrate you as you are. 

Since we are not providing therapy or counseling during the 1-on-1 sessions, we don’t currently have any licensed mental health professional supporting in those roles but we do have access to licensed professionals in the event that our clients require in-depth support.

Using logging data and insights from your mapping session, your Emotional Lab Report details a history of your learned emotional patterns – tracked back to childhood – along with insights on how these patterns play out in different areas of your life today. You’ll discover insights about your core emotional wounds, learned limiting beliefs, behavioral patterns, and how these pieces play together to create your unique personality and nervous system makeup.

No longer are you guessing what’s under the hood. You’ll begin to understand the root causes of why you feel how you do and understand where to focus your efforts moving forward. Your report offers a precise starting point for your journey towards emotional freedom, and gives you the necessary information to help make future sessions with your counselor, therapist, or practitioners of choice more effective.

Your Precision Emotional Healing recommendations (included in your report) are specifically designed to help you develop more emotional resilience and awareness, healthier coping mechanisms for stress, and address the root emotional causes contributing to poor nervous system health in an effective manner.

In addition to books, podcasts, journaling prompts, and a self-paced curriculum, your recommendations include precision tools for nervous system regulation and daily practices that you can do on your own and alongside others. If you have resources for 1:1 support, we’ll connect you to vetted practitioners in our network (based on your budget and desire)

Please note that ordering your Emotional Lab Report or joining a Precision Emotional Healing program is NOT a replacement for therapy or professional support.

Each person’s wellness journey is multidimensional and complex, with many steps. 

Our Emotional Lab Reports and Precision Emotional Healing programs are valuable TOOLS to help you get to your desired goals faster and feel supported outside of clinical settings. The insights you gain from the process of getting your Emotional Lab Report will make all of your wellness efforts more effective and are an incredible supplement to therapy and professional support. 

As many everyday emotional responses stem from difficult childhood experiences, it’s not uncommon for the mapping sessions to uncover hidden traumas. If a mapping session opens up something difficult for you, know that you’ll be able to access our team of trained personnel, peer support specialists, and mental health professionals within our networks. We’re here to help with crisis management to ensure you’re safe and supported by the help you need.

Crisis support is available on a pay-what-you-can basis. We won’t turn anyone away from the support they need because they lack financial resources.

All of the group calls are recorded and you decide when your one-on-one sessions are scheduled. All of the homework is self paced. You also get lifetime access to the course materials, community, Liber8 app, and all of the resources we provide so even if you begin and need longer to complete the program there is no rush for you. Our intention is to be a support for your journey not a hindrance so everything is designed with flexibility and ease in mind. 

If you attended your Emotional Mapping session within 30 days of signing up for Precision Emotional Healing, we can wrap it up into the cost of the 3-month program. Please email [email protected] if you qualify.

All of the calls will be recorded and available for you to review on your own

We begin a new cancer specific group cohort at the beginning of each month. If the timing is not right for this cohort or if we are at max capacity for the group you are interested in joining, you can sign up for a future group. 

Yes we do! You have the option to split the payment over 3-months or pay upfront. 

Yes! We’ve partnered up with TrueMed to give our eligible customers the ability to use their Health Savings Account (HSA) or Flexible Spending Account (FSA) on our program. 

This means that if qualified, you can buy our program with pre-tax dollars, resulting in net savings of 30-40%.

HSAs and FSAs were created for you to spend tax-advantaged dollars on products and services that can treat or prevent specific medical conditions and TrueMed is making it easy to do just that by following these simple steps:

  1. Take the 2-minute evaluation to find out if you’re eligible. 
  2. Once approved, Trumed will email you a Letter of Medical Necessity (LMN) for your purchase
  3. Once you receive your LMN, use your credit card to complete the purchase on our website
  4. After your purchase, follow the reimbursement instructions sent to you to submit your receipts and LMN to your HSA/FSA provider


These statements have not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration. Precision Emotional Healing and our other offerings are not intended to diagnose, treat, cure, or prevent any disease.

The contents of the website, our app, and other products, such as text, graphics, images, and other materials created by us or obtained from our licensors, are for informational purposes only. All such content is not intended to be a substitute for professional medical advice, diagnosis, or treatment. Always seek the advice of your physician or other qualified health provider with any questions you may have regarding a medical condition. Never disregard professional medical advice or delay in seeking it because of something you have read on this website, our app, or our other materials.

If you think you may have a medical emergency, call your doctor or emergency assistance phone number immediately.