Stop Feeling Insecure, Unappreciated, And Exhausted While Supporting Others

Liber8’s SAFE Space Training is a 2-day virtual live event to learn reliable tools for supporting others without losing yourself in the process.

“This is some of the most important healing work I have come across on my journey to health and happiness.” ​

– Natalie, health coach and SAFE space training graduate

Event Details

Begin: Sunday October 6th
Finish: Monday October 7th

8:30 AM - 4:30 PM US Pacific Standard Time

There’s no greater feeling than being there for another human being through their dark, difficult days.

Liber8’s SAFE Space Training is the outcome of holding space for thousands of clients. Our clients are cancer patients, survivors, thrivers, and caregivers. Many have endured childhood trauma and sexual abuse. They’ve all radically improved their wellbeing as a result of being witnessed and held by our team of experienced space holders through their darkest moments. 

We’ve distilled everything we learned about helping people feel seen, heard, and held into a simple framework that works every time. Join the weekend training, and we’ll equip you with our tools, techniques, and processes so you can support your loved ones while thriving in yourself.

“Learning to hold safe, non-judgmental space is the gift that keeps on giving. It has transformed my work and helped me connect to the reasons why I became a nurse in the first place.”

– Sarah, Registered Nurse, Terrain Advocate, and SAFE space training graduate

What to expect from this training?

"I can say in the short time I’ve been using this framework, I have become a better mother and wife, as my husband and I hold sessions with each other. It is intuitive, empowering work that has shifted the quality of my relationships forever."

– Tory, family rock and SAFE space training graduate

Who will benefit from this training?

"My experience with this framework has been profound. I have been looking for a training like this for years and finally understand how to help those who are in need of emotional support.”

– Sandra, cancer advocate and SAFE space training graduate


In Just 2 Days...

You’ll Learn Our Proven Framework,
Practice Live With Peers,
And Heal Emotional Wounds.


Liber8’s SAFE Space Holding Framework


Questions To Take People Deeper Than They’ve Been Before


Tools To Activate Your Unique Space Holding Gifts


Power, Control, And Consent Ethics Of Dynamic Relationships


Specific Cues To Intuitively Understand Self And Others


Holding Space For Complex Trauma


Connecting Clients With Their Inner Child


Regulating Personal Triggers


Resisting The Urge To Fix Or Control Outcomes


Enabling The Release Of Big Emotions


Rituals For Regulating The Nervous System


Beliefs That Lead To Insecurities


Stories That Create Feelings Of Rejection


Habits That Lead To Exhaustion


Identities That Cause You To Over Give and Self Abandon


Fears That You Are Not Enough


Raj Jana

Co-founder at Liber8

Raj has invested thousands of hours researching and testing tools at the intersection of ancient wisdom, modern science, and practical healing to uncover the most direct paths to remaining grounded and clear-headed amidst emotional chaos. His inspiration is deeply personal – after losing a close friend at just age 37 to stage 4 cancer, Raj realized his own need to learn how to better support his loved ones through challenging times.

Through 300+ interviews with leading mental health experts on his acclaimed podcast, Stay Grounded, Raj has honed a nuanced understanding of the predictable patterns and drivers behind big emotions. Raj lives the teachings in his monthly “Reflection” episodes, where he transparently shares hard-won lessons from navigating his own emotional triggers and relationships.

Emily Rasowsky

Co-founder at Liber8

With over 15 years experience and 12 certifications, Emily is a seasoned guide when it comes to holding space for human transformation. As a trauma-informed breathwork facilitator and healer integrating both Eastern and Western practices, she knows firsthand the skills required to remain grounded when supporting others through deep emotional work.

Having courageously walked her own journey of healing past sexual trauma and holding space for countless women to do the same, Emily now trains other coaches on increasing their capacity to hold varying degrees of emotional intensity. Emily plays an integral role in developing many of the space holding methodologies and frameworks deployed at Liber8.

KharWei Lee

Emotional Mapping Director at Liber8

KharWei is a seasoned health coach dedicated to helping others realign to their most authentic, vibrant selves. Having played the role of caretaker for his own father’s Alzheimer’s journey and additional familial responsibilities since age 16, he firsthand understands the skills required to remain grounded when holding space for others’ emotional intensity.

KharWei now leads the Liber8 Emotional Mapping team – educating and consulting our professional space holders on how to facilitate meaningful experiences for clients during 1-on-1 and group facilitated sessions. His steady and compassionate presence mirrors the depth of his mastery and clients often report leaving his sessions feeling seen, held, and loved unconditionally for who they really are.

Frequently Asked Questions

Over 2 days, you will be watching live programming and putting what you learn into practice with other partners while simultaneously receiving personalized support from our trained facilitators.

Live practice is an integral part of this training. Expect real-time feedback and guidance so you can see your blindspots and sharpen your skills. By the end of the training, you’ll know how to use the our framework safely and confidently with your family, friends, and loved ones.

For some people, space-holding is a beautiful intuitive gift. You don’t know why, but people instinctively know you’re a safe place where they can confide, open up, and reveal their true emotions. 

You enjoy holding space for others. It’s rewarding and you feel privileged to be trusted with someone’s deepest, most vulnerable feelings. 

But there are times when you notice a hint of resentment bubbling up. You know you over-give. You know you prioritize the needs of others above your own. You’re aware that being there for others at the level you do can leave you feeling depleted, even exhausted. 

And in the back of your mind, you wish someone could be there for you in the way that you are there for them. 

It may surprise you to know that some natural space-holders developed their gifts as a trauma response. They didn’t feel seen, held, and heard as a child, so they became the person they needed. These unaddressed needs can turn healing space toxic. They can create challenges such as codependency, overgiving, and an unquenching thirst for love and appreciation.

Which is why training can help. 

Our space-holder retreat not only teaches you a framework for holding space, but it also explores your motivations for space holding. During the weekend, you’ll spend time exploring your needs. You’ll learn to identify your triggers and trauma, and most importantly, you’ll discover how to put on your oxygen mask first so you never feel depleted, resentful, or angry again.

A skilled space holder knows that the quality of the space they hold matters. They know they need to be able to put their own stuff to one side and focus fully on the other person. 

Unless you intentionally and consciously park your stuff, whatever is inside of you will show up in your healing space. This can look like projections (where you interpret what’s happening for your client through the lens of your own experiences), or triggers (where a client’s thoughts, feelings, or behaviors activates something inside of you). 

When your stuff gets mixed in with your client’s emotions and experiences, the healing space becomes cluttered and confusing. 

It’s no longer clean! 

This is why you’ll spend time looking at the depths of your own heart, pain, and trauma. You’ll explore your triggers too. This process will activate your own ability for self-healing, empowering you as a space-holder. 

We’re always looking for qualified, heart-centered humans to join our network of SAFE Space Holders. Hundreds of people come through Liber8’s Precision Emotional Healing process on a regular basis. 

We have a track record of recruiting people who’ve been through our training programs. And whilst we can’t make any guarantees, we anticipate paid space-holding opportunities opening up for the right people.




These statements have not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration. Precision Emotional Healing and our other offerings are not intended to diagnose, treat, cure, or prevent any disease.

The contents of the website, our app, and other products, such as text, graphics, images, and other materials created by us or obtained from our licensors, are for informational purposes only. All such content is not intended to be a substitute for professional medical advice, diagnosis, or treatment. Always seek the advice of your physician or other qualified health provider with any questions you may have regarding a medical condition. Never disregard professional medical advice or delay in seeking it because of something you have read on this website, our app, or our other materials.

If you think you may have a medical emergency, call your doctor or emergency assistance phone number immediately.